
This is a newspaper headline of Victory in Europe Day. May 8, 1945, declared victory over Nazi Germany. 

This is a newspaper headline of Victory in Japan Day. September 2, 1945, marks American victory over Japan.

Looking back on the last few months of research, this project proved to be extremely meaningful in understanding sacrifice and freedom during World War II. Researching the life of Peter John Isles has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the sacrifice that not only he but his wife and family suffered from the war. The research has allowed me to grow a more personal connection to this solider and respect for his sacrifice for our freedom. 

If I had one chance to talk to Peter Isles, I would thank him. His valor and sacrifice for our country is admirable and it has been an honor having the ability to research and understand his life. If I could ask him any question, I would ask what he would have said to his family if he could've talked to them one last time before his death. 

My most valuable source was Peter's Enlistment Record and his Oath and Certificate of Enlistment. Here I was able to find important information such as name, age, birth, parent's names, home address, rank at enlistment, occupation before enlistment, home town, etc.. If I did not have access to this source, my research would have been very difficult. 

Gratitude is an understatement for my appreciation for Peter Isles' service to our country. Him, and any other solider who fought for our country during World War II sacrificed their life for us. We are forever in their debt for their courageous sacrifices. 

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